April 22, 2024

Meet The Founder – Life-Friendly Business

Meet The Founder – Life-Friendly Business

Tell us about yourself Erin

I’m The Life-Friendly Business Mentor and Podcast Host, and I live in Bournemouth near the sea with my two sons 11 & 15, husband, and working cocker spaniel! 

Tell us about your business

I help women to grow their business in a life-friendly way, which means doing it on their own terms, at their own pace, and to their own measures of success. It’s not about hustle and sacrifice, it’s about running your business in a way that allows you to be all the other things you want to be too – a Mother, a daughter, a friend, a partner.

I work with female solopreneurs and I have an online membership called The Cocoon, two masterminds, online courses and I offer 1:1 Mentoring. I also run in-person events and workshops in Dorset.

My podcast, The Life-Friendly Business Podcast is all about the reality of what it’s really like trying to juggle life and business. 

What inspired you to start your own business?

Before kids I was a TV Production Manager in London and had wanted to do that since I was about 11! I loved the buzz of TV but it was all-consuming, and when I had my first son at 29 I realised that that career was not compatible with being the mum I wanted to be. 

My mum had been a single parent working 6 jobs to keep us afloat, and often we would be picked up by strangers after school and taken to their houses whilst my mum worked. She didn’t have the luxury of being able to choose to do the school pick-up, but I realised that was really important to me, so I wanted to create a career where I could do those things.

My first business was a franchise of a jewellery company, and then I went on to found further businesses myself – venues for baby and toddler classes, a networking and events group for women in business, and an online shop, and now my sole business is as a Small Business Mentor for women.

What challenges did you face?

Low confidence has cost me years in terms of business growth, and this is something that comes up a lot with the women I work with. When I left TV I realised how much my identity was tied up in it, and there I was ‘just a mum’ running a ‘tiny business’ making crafty things. I felt small. I felt that other people thought I was small. It literally took years for me to step into the fact that I was running a business and that I needed to own that. 

And of course, as a business owner, there is SO MUCH you have to learn and that can be overwhelming. But as the years have gone on, I’ve learned to embrace the learning, because it actually never stops and that’s a great thing! It’s totally from that place that I created my Cocoon Membership too, it’s for women who love to learn new skills and up-level how they do things.

One of the top barriers to female entrepreneurship is a lack of relatable mentors, and that was absolutely what I found when I started out in 2008. I felt that if I mentioned working around my kids it was seen as ‘an excuse’ and that others were looking down on me. I think it’s so important that we speak openly about the challenges of being a business owner alongside being a primary carer, and that we do not have to fear being seen ‘as less’ because of that. 

Can you share a pivotal moment or milestone that significantly impacted your business journey?

It’s funny when you work alone because we aren’t very good at celebrating the small stuff, and we rarely have someone pat us on the back. This year I have been named as a Top 100 #ialso Female Business Leader in the UK by F: Entrepreneur. The campaign is all about highlighting inspiring women in business who are carving their own paths, so this is absolutely amazing for me. We had a reception at The House of Lords and it was a very surreal experience to be standing there in a room full of high-achieving women (and of course the old imposter syndrome rose its head!)

I’m coming up to 16 years in business and still have to have a word with myself when the inner critic tries to sabotage the lovely moments of recognition!

How do you balance your business and personal life?

The Life-Friendly Approach has come about from my years of trying to get this nailed myself, and now I have! It absolutely comes down to your boundaries and thinking about what you need to thrive and feel happy. It’s different for each of us.

For example, I don’t take calls when the kids are back after school, because if I do I can feel guilty because they might need me / worried they will interrupt / distracted thinking about house stuff – so basically I know that this is a non-negotiable for me and if I ring-fence that time for the kids, everyone feels better!

I’ve built all my businesses around school hours and that’s now starting to change for me. My youngest is now walking to school himself, and not only is that a pivotal moment in me realising I have achieved what I wanted to achieve by doing the school run for 11 years, but it also means my day is evolving again, and now I will start to have more time to work if I need it. 

Can you name one business tool that has helped you in your business?

So many it’s hard to pick one! I think probably using Kajabi for my online business has been the biggest game-changer. I’ve had 2 other websites for this business and was gluing bits together basically, but Kajabi is an all-in-one platform and I’m able to easily create online courses, memberships, sales pages etc etc myself. I’m definitely a ‘doer’ and didn’t have the patience to have to wait for a website person to get things done for me!

Do you have a top tip for any woman starting on their business journey?

Surround yourself with people who get it. 

If your friends and families all have ‘normal’ jobs, it’s hard for them to relate to the challenges you might be facing as a small business owner. You need to actively create your own support network. Go out and meet people. Join relevant groups online. Everything I do is about creating that community and connection with other like-minded female solopreneurs, it’s all ready for you, but you do need to make the decision to lean in.

Can you name a woman in business who has inspired you?

Honestly, it’s all the women I work with on a weekly basis. They’ve all made the decision to carve their own paths and design their own lives. It’s not always easy but it really is the most fulfilling thing you can do. 

Find out more about Erin and her business HERE

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