November 8, 2023

Meet the Founder of Folio Creative in Dorset…

Meet the Founder of Folio Creative in Dorset…

Beth is the founder of folio creative.

Beth Gregory is the fabulous force behind Folio Creative – a personal branding photography service on a mission to build the confidence of female entrepreneurs.

Here at Empowered Women Do we are ALL about helping women find their true authentic selves and having been impressed with Beth from the moment we met her we wanted to delve a little bit deeper… over to you Beth…

  • What is your why?

My Why is without a doubt making a difference and creating impact. I want the women I work with to feel like ANYTHING is possible like the world is their oyster! If I can give confidence to women to reach for the stars and to feel like they can be their true selves, then I am happy. I truly feel blessed to cross paths with them and be a little part of their journey and I will always pursue to be the biggest cheerleader I possibly can.

  • What really gets you out of bed in the morning?

Personally, what gets me out of bed in the morning is travel. I adore visiting new places, exploring and going on adventures. Whether it is a city break, a luxury holiday or a camping trip, I never want to stop exploring the world with my loved ones. 

  • What is the best thing about running your own business?

This is a hard one! I would have to say the freedom it provides. I am able to pursue goals, ideas and dream with greater independence and control. Everything is in my hands, which is scary, but amazing! The fact I can shape my career around my life, preferences and passions, is a dream!

  • You’re a self-confessed introvert – how did you find the confidence and energy to create Wonderfully Women? 

Honestly, through huge work on myself, facing fears and pushing boundaries! Public speaking was always my absolute worst nightmare, I would have run a mile! Slowly I have just grown in confidence and belief! I always say yes to opportunities, and then deal with them when they arrive! I still get nervous about public speaking and putting myself out there, but the feeling after when you have reached a new goal and feel proud is AMAZING! It’s always worth it. I am a firm believer in feeling the fear and doing it anyway!

  • How do you define success?

I define success with the word freedom. How free do I feel to live my best life, reach my dreams and fill my days with things that make me happy? Success to me means happiness, contentment, calm and inspiration.  

  • Can you share with us something that has held you back on your business journey? What advice would you give?

If I was to say one thing that I feel may have held me back, it would be my own confidence – to speak a little stronger, voice a little louder, and not give a f**k about what anyone else thinks!

  • Tell us about a sound or smell that makes you happy.

My favourite smell would probably be the ocean. The beach is my happy place. If I am stepping this up a level, it would be the smell of the ocean, accompanied by the sound of the waves, sea breeze and happy chatter, and the feeling of sand in my toes. 

  • What is your favourite quote?

My favourite quote that always inspires me is… ‘And you ask “What if I fall?” Oh but my darling, What if you fly?’. It sits right above my desk and reminds me to aim high, believe in myself, and not let my doubts and insecurities stand in the way.

  • If you could have any superpower in the world what would it be?

If I could have ANY superpower in the world it would be the ability to magically make people believe in themselves with NO limitations or doubts and to see their own full potential. The power of self-belief is game-changing.

And finally… what is your top book recommendation?

If I had to recommend one single book, it would be Manifest by Roxie Nafousi. It was the first book I read and I was just captivated! I still randomly pick it up now and read a few pages. It always inspires me and really has changed the way I think and how I achieve my dreams.

To learn more about Beth Gregory and Folio Creative, as well as Wonderfully Women visit

Emmas Collins - Empowered Women Do

Founder of Empowered Women Do

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